Kotor 2 pc minimizing in cutscenes
Kotor 2 pc minimizing in cutscenes

Playing as a Jedi Knight, that meant that all eight companions I met throughout the story focused on keeping me healed, which they did absurdly well.Īnd so it goes for the roughly eight to 10 hours it takes to level from 60 to 65, until at last Knights of the Fallen Empire settles into what passes for its current endgame (until BioWare releases the tenth of the 16 chapters, scheduled for February 11). KotFE's great shift is that they no longer have their own gear or specialized combat roles instead, you can switch them between combat, healing, and damage dealing roles with a simple right click over their portrait. Much of this ease springs from the changes to companions.


(Somehow, mysteriously, performance on my PC is awful relative to other MMORPGs all these years later, too.) As it is, I can't imagine anyone truly finds the new combat fun. It doesn't help that many of Star Wars: The Old Republic's old bugbears still remain, such as linear corridors that discourage exploration and the way most enemies stand around patiently in hallways waiting for you to beat them up. I kept wanting to feel some kind of excitement over seeing yet another group of troopers ready to feel the wrath of my lightsaber, but the ease with which they fell over made them mere speed bumps on my way to the next the next cutscene. As it is, I can't imagine anyone truly finds the new combat fun for me, it's exasperating after a mere hour. If BioWare wanted to minimize the challenge so completely, perhaps it would have been better off teaming up with Telltale. But I still fondly remember learning to play well in order to defeat some tough single-player bosses back in 20 here, there's none of that. Star Wars: The Old Republic's MMORPG elements were never as good as they could have been, and the way the new story anchors you to what's essentially one long story instance for five levels precludes any need to play with friends. Ability rotations? Ha! I understand the reasoning behind the new focus on single-player gameplay. Mash some buttons, any buttons, and you should get through fine. I barely bothered with the layout of my hotkeys. I'm normally the kind of guy who reads forum threads in search of the merits of this or that build, but I never bothered in Knights of the Fallen Empire. It's so focused on attracting new players to a legitimately good new Star Wars story (conveniently ahead of the upcoming movie) that it makes combat so easy that it's insulting. It's all well and good that story is king here, but the problem with Knights of the Fallen Empire is that BioWare pushes it toward despotism. They clash further with the lovely new planets the heroes venture through, and they're light years from the technical fireworks BioWare shows off in the expansion's introductory trailer, which looks at least as good as anything I've seen from the footage for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Sometimes the new direction clashes violently with the old one, particularly in the way the beautiful, semi-realistic models for Knights of the Fallen Empire's NPC cast make the elongated models of player characters look as though they stepped out of a poorly rendered El Greco painting. Pushed off the stage, for instance, are the lovingly crafted stories for each individual class nowadays, everyone experiences the same story past 60 regardless of whether they wield a blaster or a lightsaber. The approach isn't without some sacrifices, and some of them would have had us screaming that BioWare had changed the fundamental nature of SWTOR just three years ago. It's good stuff, and BioWare smartly lets new or returning players create a brand-new level 60 character so they can enjoy the story immediately. The only two exceptions are the two children of Emperor Valkorian, who come off as sadistic and petulant brats, but it rarely matters since the main plot wisely keeps them at a distance. The characterization involved has never been finer, and the ensuing hours are filled with companion NPCs who don't fit into the cozy delineations of light and dark sides - they're more like regular people.

Kotor 2 pc minimizing in cutscenes